Will there ever be a chrono trigger remake
Will there ever be a chrono trigger remake

will there ever be a chrono trigger remake will there ever be a chrono trigger remake

Anyways, as the undisputed king of all consoles, the SNES absolutely murdered its competitors, namely the Sega Genesis (not even a murder, just TripV’s over-zealous thoughts). In case you don’t get it, Nintendo created an interesting play to add “Super” to the title of many of their games from this era of games.

will there ever be a chrono trigger remake

Honestly, it was too much for me to take in, and this is why the Nintendo 64 will always have a special place in my heart.Īs can be inferred by the title, this countdown is for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. I wish I could relive the first time I controlled Mario outside the castle walls. The second you grabbed control of the analog stick(which Sony later added on to their controllers more than a year later), you felt like you could control the world. The Sony Playstation and the Sega Saturn were both released a year before the Nintendo 64 came out, so although both those systems had advanced in the same way the SNES did, when the Nintendo 64 was released, you can bet both Sony and Sega were shitting themseleves, I know I was. Not only did the N64 improve in all those categories, but it did what Nintendo does best…Innovate. Yes the SNES was a great improvement to the classic NES, but it really improved the core foundations of gaming (graphics, sound, and gameplay). The Nintendo 64 is truely the first system that made me think the future was here. With all these titles being released can 2008 actually be the gaming year of this decade? Will there possibly be a gaming recession for a while? I hope so, maybe then I can actually catch up on some of these games. The only games that I will buy are Wario Land: Shake It and Samba De Amigo. This holiday the Wii is probably the weakest. Nintendo is supporting us with Kirby Super Star Ultra and Sega and Bioware are bringing us Sonic Chronicles. A new Castlevania is coming out also, and the DS Castlevania games have been some of the best DS games. Huge support from SquareEnix this year FFIV, DQIV, and Chrono Trigger DS, all epic RPGs. But what I’m most excited about is the DS lineup. For the rest of the year, let’s not forget Gears of War 2, Banjo Kazooie 3, Resistance 2, Spore, Persona 4 as well as others I can’t remember. Before the Holiday season even starts there will be many games to get. Titles such as Tuesday’s Disgaea 3 and Tales of Vesperia, to October’s Little Big Planet, Socom, Fable 2, and Fallout 3. In a year where you see a new Smash Bros., GTA, as well as Mario Kart being released prior to MGS4, which is was released in June, you can only hope that the rest of the year can compare. Although no game coming out this year will be better than MGS4, it is safe to say that many have and will come close. I predicted back in 2006 that 2007 would probably be the year for games in this decade, but 2008 has proven to be just as ruthless. After a nice 6 hours of being immersed in Disgaea 3, I started to realize that the amount of decent games being released is quite absurd.

Will there ever be a chrono trigger remake